Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The good bishop Katie

On my 18th birthday I went into the nearest Bank of America and got a checking and savings account made up with the help of a sweaty, nervous-looking man in his 30's who obviously didn't much like his job. I gave him a lot of information, he did a lot of typing, and when all my paperwork was finally printed out, there was a damn typo. Where it should have said "Katherine J. Hartman," it said:

Bishop Katherine Hartman

This, I maintain, is divine intervention; but unfortunately, my bank account pretty much has to have the right name. So I told the kind man to fix the problem, please and thank-you.

So, a week later, my debit card and checks show up with "Bishop Katherine Hartman" all over them, and I'm a little pissed.

Ironically, the bill for the checks came today. It was addressed to "Katherine J. Hartman." Go figure.


  • That's hilarious. How did he get "Bishop" on there? Doesn't seem to be a common typo!:)

    By Blogger Angela, at 6:51 PM  

  • Wow, I've never known a bishop before. Feel free to send me one of those checks, I'll keep it as a keepsake. Or cash it. Depends on the day.

    By Blogger Bob, at 4:00 PM  

  • It most be intervention, now that you are 18 god must be afraid of what you will do next.

    You got your calling girl, don't wait for lightening to strike you from the mule.

    On the other hand you could just for get it and have fun, hell you're 18!

    By Blogger Pause, at 11:29 AM  

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